
Showing posts from July, 2020

Success Lessons From Baseball Enthusiasm And Excitement Can Make The Difference

Success Lessons From Baseball Enthusiasm And Excitement Can Make The Difference I remember, about 35 years ago, reading two books by Frank Bettger, the baseball player, about how enthusiasm made all the difference in his life. His books made a difference in my life at the time and are still well worth reading and re-reading. Probably the most famous of his books is “How I raised myself from failure to success in selling”. Frank died in 1981 but his books and priceless ideas live on. In 1907, he played baseball for Johnstown in Pennsylvania for $175 dollars a month. He was young and ambitious but was fired for being lazy. He was not really lazy but had been trying to control his nervousness by being laid back. His manager told him: “Whatever you do after you leave here, for heaven’s sake, wake yourself up and put some life and enthusiasm into your work.” Frank went to Chester, Pennsylvania where he played baseball for only $25 a month. Frank commented: “Well, I couldn’t feel ver...

How Do I Manifest My Desires

How Do I Manifest My Desires If you are asking the question how do I manifest, then read this. Learning to manifest your desires is similar to learning to swim. So how is swimming similar to manifesting? Both manifesting and swimming requires total trust, i.e. letting go. In the case of manifesting, you need to let go of your need to control the outcome and trust that you shall receive that which you seek. In the case of swimming you trust that you will not drown. Everyon*e who has learned to swim will tell you that fear causes you to sink. Lack of fear allows you to float. And even if you go down it will be temporary and you’ll soon bob back to the surface. It is the same with trying to manifest your desires. It should be practically fait accompli (It’s already done). Accept your desires as alrea*dy having been fulfilled. If you have any doubts whatsoever, that this is not so, you will fail to attract your desires. You can fool people, but you cannot fool the Universe. Every t...

Success or Bust!

Success Or Bust We’ve all been driving down the road and seen those infamous signs in the back of all types of automobiles that say something like “Disneyland or Bust”. What does this mean? Basically, it means that those people are on their way to Disneyland and they will do absolutely anything no matter how much money, time or gas that they waste. They will get to Disneyland or BUST (go broke, run out of gas, waste too much time) trying to get there. Now, let me ask you a question. Are you wearing this sign on your back as you head down the road to financial freedom? SUCCESS OR BUST! No, I don’t mean a real sign but you are doing everything possible to become successful no matter how much money, time or relationships it cost you. If this is you, then here’s a suggestion…stop the madness! Your success journey should progressively improve as you head down the path. Let me give you an example. One of my coaching clients had been building her business for five years without any fi...

Planning For Success

Here are some general start-up tips for a successful home business. The first tip is a word of caution. It’s easy to think that because your home business can bypass the lease or construction aspects of starting a business, and the overhead costs of furnishing, maintenance, landscaping, utilities and so forth, that you can skip over some other processes to. That attitude, rather than heading someone down the road to a successful home business, could lead to financial business disaster. An entrepreneurial spirit and a great idea are terrific assets for a successful home business. Other things are important too, however. Planning For Success Market research and careful planning are of paramount important to the success of a home business, as they are for any business. A business plan is a must. It must include details on the products and services the firm will offer, the type of business equipment and the cost of it that will be needed in the coming five years. It should al...

The Root Cause For Procrastination, how to success in life

The Root Cause For Procrastination Why is it that we as human beings often behave in ways that we don’t really want to? How often have you said or done something only to cringe at the thought of it afterwards? The truth is that your behaviour is mostly driven by your unconscious mind, especially behaviours that is hard to explain from an intellectual point of view. Procrastination is knowing what to do, having the ability and desire to do it, but still you don’t do it. Although there are many apparent causes for procrastination , the root cause for this illogical behaviour resides in your unconscious mind. Your conscious mind is very limited in its ability to deal with life. That over which you have conscious control is mostly limited to one thing at a time. This is why using your willpower to create any real change rarely works long term. What you need to do is to change your automatic behaviour which resides in your unconscious mind, that part of you that controls all the ...

Take Action Developing Your Personal Power In As Little As 30 Days With These 15 Proven Steps

Take Action Developing Your Personal Power In As Little As 30 Days With These 15 Proven Steps What makes some people so energetic and admired that they become a magnet in attracting others to them. You know, the kind of person you enjoy being in their company. It has little to do with good looks, being abundantly wealthy, owning an expensive car, or wearing the latest fashion statement. Of course, these can’t hurt if you are lucky enough to have them. It has everything to do with how you think, react, interact, and manage your time effectively. Being a success in life, love, business, and all personal activities takes work and a conscious “awareness” of the qualities and traits that can make you a confident, take charge person that attracts both men and women. Think about each and every one of the traits listed below. On a daily basis “take action” on one or two of these qualities or traits. Small steps on a daily basis can lead to massive changes over time. Taken as a wh...

Priorities Bring Focus To Family Budgeting

Priorities Bring Focus To Family Budgeting.  Often times, the family budget is a source of conflict. Most of the time, the major earner makes the final financial decision, which isn’t always a welcome deal for the rest. Since money is such an intrinsic part of family life, families need to achieve accord in this aspect. There is a four-step cycle in budgeting the family money to maintain peace and harmony. 1. Set your priorities. Priorities are different from goals. They are aspects in your family’s life that you, as a family, want to set focus on, say health or children’s future. While goals are specific targets that support priorities. In setting priorities, do not set too many as it defeats the purpose. Ideally, there should only be one, but because life is not ideal, 2 to 3 are reasonable. As the priorities are set and agreed upon, write them down. Post the paper where everybody can see them to remind them of what your family is focused on for the next few years...

Key to success

Key To Success Success… We all aspire to it, talk about it, envy those who achieve it, we think about it, fight for it. It is really worth it. Success comes with reaching our aims and it brings us incomparable satisfaction and happiness. That gives us a unique opportunity to be happy every day, if we achieve small goals every day and step by step we will be approaching our GREAT dream. Recollect your studies at college, when you had to combine work and study; when you had a very tense schedule, when your only solution was a custom term paper to get through the semester. But you stood it. By achieving mini goals every term, at last you reached the main aim – successful graduation. And that is why you are a successful person. But one of the qualities of a prosperous person is that he is always striving for perfection and will never rest on his laurels. So, let’s go further and develop ourselves…Close your eyes for a minute and imagine a successful person. Is he rich or poor? ...

Overcoming scary experiences.

Overcoming scary experiences. Take a look at the people around you.  You will find that there is a lack of compassion.  Love is fast diminishing.  Lack of love makes us hard.  Coldness fills our personality with hardness and irritability. Love and loneliness The lack of love from within pushes us towards despair.  Takes the mind towards that dark cave.  Whence it becomes difficult to bring back the mind. Create the world as we are  They become like this. The presence of love is like oxygen in life. Due to which it is difficult to breathe. We need oxygen therapy.  If there is no rest from time, then ventilator is also needed.  On the other hand it is not difficult to breathe.  It is difficult to explain the importance of oxygen to him! It is the same with love. If it was easily present, we would not have bothered but without the ventilator of love, it would not work.         Overcoming s...

Right way to live life

RIGHT WAY TO LiVE LIFE Life is so precious that if once gone, then even after trying a million, you cannot get it again.  Therefore, every human should enjoy every moment of his life. Don't know what will happen tomorrow  Life is something that is met with great luck. Right way to live life Therefore, do not miss any chance of life that you feel sorry about it later. There have always been two aspects of life. First happiness and second sorrow,  Both these aspects live with us throughout our lives, sometimes there is happiness and sometimes sorrow.  But it is not that if there is sadness then you will never be happy, These changes happen over time. The best example of this we can take from the sun,  As the sun rises in the morning, so do we drown in the evening.  This is how our life is.  Therefore, do not ever think that there is sorrow in our life today, then there will never be happiness.  It will change with time and one da...